
Please come prepared to every practice and game with:
            Stick                                        Goggles               **Water**
            Cleats & Sneakers                   2 mouth guards   Shin guards      

Come to practice ready to work hard and have fun.
We will usually hold practice from 2:45-4:45 at Bialek.
We will be focused and working hard the whole time.  
Positive attitudes and support for teammates are expected every day.

Playing a sport and being on a team is a commitment.
I expect every member of the team to be at every game or practice except in extenuating circumstances (please discuss with me beforehand if possible). Be fair to yourself, your teammates and your coaches and show up on time. If you are not present at practice the day before a game, your playing time will be affected.

Represent Ipswich Field Hockey in a positive way on and off the field.  
As a player and teammate, you represent your team and school at all times.
Make smart decisions on the field, at school, at home and on the weekends.
Hold your teammates accountable.

Effective communication is a key to being a successful team.
Any questions or concerns should be discussed with captains, Coach W or Coach Merullo in a timely manner and should come directly from you, not your parents. This includes letting us know if you cannot make it to practice/game.

Sportsmanlike conduct at all time from players, coaches and parents is expected.

Hazing or any form of harassment will not be tolerated.